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RUBBISH! What can we do about it?
Our Kerbside Collection
Place your refuse outside your home on the correct day. During the week store your refuse cleanly & safely in a covered container. If appropriate ask your landlord for advice.
PlastiCity Southend
For businesses to recycle more plastic. Answer a few questions to describe how easy or difficult you find recycling. Do you have any helpful suggestions?
This is not the kind of Street Furniture we want to see!
Do Not Put Unwanted Items In The Street. Many charities will collect from your home items good enough to resell. You could sell the item yourself or give it away on Freegle, or of course you can ask Veolia to collect the item for a charge.
Freegle Southend
Give Stuff Away or Get Stuff Free
Charity Shops
Taking clean, good quality items to your local charity shops for them to resell.
Westborough Volunteers Community Alleyway Project
There are already 1000s of people across Southend taking this issue seriously: litter picking their local streets & beaches, reporting fly tipping, adding plants to litter hotspots etc either as a member of Neighbourhood Watch or as part of their local ward association.
To have a real permanent impact we need these groups in every area, so please join your local group or start one up if there isn't one!
To have a real permanent impact we need these groups in every area, so please join your local group or start one up if there isn't one!
An unloved space inviting litter
Contact your local group and offer to improve an area
Plants added look lovely and discourage litter
Let's make it a Zero Waste life!
Don't stop there -continue your good habits from now on
Don't Trash Our Future Petition
Please sign this petition to get our national litter and fly tipping problem debated in parliament.
There’s already two thirds the signatures needed. Spread the word!
There’s already two thirds the signatures needed. Spread the word!
Littergram Snap It Share It Sort It
Climate Change
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