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A Business Improvement District for WESTCLIFF?

Westcliff BID meeting. Discussion after the BID talk

Thanks to Councillor Burton who kindly gave permission for this photo from the meeting


A Business Improvement District for WESTCLIFF?

Tues 16th Aug 2022 Haven Community Hub, 138-40 Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff

The Westcliff Partnership held a meeting for Westcliff Businesses to find out if a Business Improvement District (BID) would be a good idea for Westcliff-on-Sea. A good mix of 26 people attended the talk before an extended discussion of the pros and cons.

Ben Collins, a BID consultant from Savills, described the background of Business Improvement Districts and outlined the benefits of developing a BID for Westcliff-on-Sea.

Dawn Jeakings, Centre Manager of The Royals Shopping Centre Southend, gave a local perspective that everyone could recognise: the Business Improvement District for Southend High Street and Seafront.

2022 survey of BID levy paying businesses show BID is providing good return on investment. 91% would vote Yes for Southend BID to continue for another 5 year term (3% would vote no, 5% don’t know)

Street Rangers were seen as one of the most useful additions to the Southend BID environment, important in deterring and dealing with crime. However, at £25k each, beyond Westcliff at present.

Several Westcliff business owners said they thought it was too soon for a Westcliff BID:

“We do not yet have a strong and committed group of businesses that all work together just to set the agenda. The BID is just one of many solutions or options that could come about, if and when a robust and committed group were to be in place.”

“I would rather see businesses speaking to each other, doing their bit reporting rubbish, cleaning the fronts of their shops, alleys etc, the accumulation of which would lead to improvement. Policing and rubbish collection is a matter for the council.”

“In my opinion we are not ready for the BID... I think we should start from much smaller things...put all our ideas in to one bucket ... decide do we have any idea which works for everyone and does not cost a fortune and we could all put money to the pot and make that idea a reality. I think this would be a great start”

“I continue to be keen for the various groups represented here to work together and whilst I agree there is a long way to go it’s never too soon to start. I am in support of further exploration of the various ways of working together."

Decisions made at the end of the meeting:

One HCR business owner Sarah of Love & Kisses, agreed to be the contact for Litter and Fly tipping, liaising between HCR businesses and Council/Veolia.

Another business owner Lorraine of The Rumbling Tum café at No 32 HCR offered to host a follow up meeting on Mon 12th September.

A local Westcliff author & a landlord agreed to help the Westcliff Partnership with their Empty Buildings campaign to encourage more positive use of neglected buildings in Westcliff. Any landlords, estate agents or building/decorating companies who would be interested in joining a small forum please email us here:

Please Note

Most towns which go on to develop a Business Improvement District already have a town partnership. After 20 years or more without an organisation giving a voice to Westcliff, we now have the Westcliff Partnership.

The Westcliff Partnership encourages Residents, Businesses, Community Groups, Councillors & Support Services to work together to celebrate, promote and improve Westcliff-on-Sea.

Please tell your friends & colleagues about the work of the Westcliff Partnership at this crucial time in Westcliff’s history. They can join here from £10:

HOW BUSINESS & COMMUNITY CAN WORK TOGETHER with Westcliff Partnership in furthering their aim of improving the Well Being, Appearance, Social Connection, Safety, Economic Viability & Sustainability of Westcliff-on-Sea

Pull out all the stops leading up to the Autumn and Winter festivals!

1. Become a member of the Westcliff Partnership at this crucial time in Westcliff’s history, from £10 a year:

2. All individual businesses keep their shopfronts and outside areas clean and clear of debris, including any alleyway or backyard. Liaise with landlord when necessary.

3. Report Litter, Fly tipping and anti social/criminal behaviour, liaising between other businesses and Council/Veolia/Police. Use MySouthend, Crimestoppers and others recommended by colleagues.

4. Keep a record of all incidents reported, what was done/not done. Follow up online and at Community Safety meetings and/or Coffee with Cops held regularly.
Find out and publicise dates on Facebook and WP website.
Allocate a business rep to co-ordinate?

5. Join Business Watch. Application form available for individual businesses: Business Watch Trifold Leaflet logod 2020.pdf

Essex Watch Staff administer other specialist Essex Police Watch schemes including Allotment, Caravan, Dog, Farm & Rural, Heritage and Marine Watch.

6. Support the Neighbourhood Watch Community Safety Charter to discourage hate crime in and around your premises

7. Agree to represent your area at the next business and/or community meeting or help find someone to take on this role. (especially for BID meetings or the new High Streets Task Force group that started on 23rd Sept)

8. Offer to host a meeting at your premises, with seating and refreshment.

9. Compile a Business Rep list where every 10 or so shops is kept in touch by one business owner? Perhaps use a rota.

10. Sign up to Southend Business Partnership to receive info on courses, meetings, grants and newsletters:

Notes from BID Talk Tues 16th August 2022

The Westcliff Partnership organised a meeting for Westcliff Businesses to find out if a BID would be a good idea for the town.

A Business Improvement District for WESTCLIFF? 5pm-6.30pm Tues 16th August 

at the Haven Community Hub, Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff


26 people attended the talk, including eighteen businesses, one councillor, two landlords, a writer, a SAVS community builder, one resident, one residents association & an arts community representative. 


Ben Collins, a BID consultant from Savills, described the background of Business Improvement Districts. 

He outlined the benefits, the process of developing a BID and case studies from other towns. Ben explained that the process is a lengthy one, giving everyone concerned time to consider all the factors. All businesses in the BID area would be required to pay a levy, based on a percentage of their takings. Before that can happen the businesses cast their vote and the BID does not go ahead unless there is a majority in favour.


Dawn Jeakings, Centre Manager of The Royals Shopping Centre Southend, gave a local perspective that everyone could recognise: the Business Improvement District for Southend High Street and Seafront. 

She emphasised that the businesses decide what they want to spend their own BID money on. It should only be used for extra services & events and not for what Southend Council or the Police would normally provide.


Several people asked questions and there was a lively discussion around what the most useful additions would be to our business environment. Street Rangers were seen as an important factor in deterring and dealing with crime. Statistics demonstrated that they were routinely able to retrieve thousands of pounds worth of stolen goods from offenders. However, they were also one of the most costly expenditures.


After the speakers left, the discussion continued for over an hour until 7pm. Much of that was focussed on whether businesses felt ready for a BID now, or whether they could start by working together on smaller things, to build up a reliable network they could trust. Perhaps organise some informal meetings hosted by fellow businesses.


They also discussed what the most pressing issues were, such as anti-social behaviour and what we as a community could do right now to start making a difference. For example: speaking to each other more regularly, sharing ideas and support. Encouraging all traders to keep their shop fronts clean and tidy every day. Taking stronger action on the litter and fly tipping that blights the streets, as well as the continuing disgrace of Blockbusters Corner.


Sarah of Love & Kisses Card Shop agreed to be the contact for Litter and Fly tipping, liaising between businesses and Council/Veolia.


Writer Carol Edwards & landlord Ray Thornton agreed to help the Westcliff Partnership with their Empty Buildings campaign to encourage more positive use of neglected buildings in Westcliff.

FACEBOOK Posts from 23rd March 2022 Inviting those interested in a Westcliff BID to get in touch

Register your interest in a Westcliff BID 

This next stage will be inviting businesses to a meeting to answer your questions.

Whether you're FOR or AGAINST a Business Improvement District for Westcliff please let us know and give reasons if possible

If you're a resident or community group and think this could be good for Westcliff please leave your comments below, share this post and have a chat with the business owners where you shop.

Westcliff Businesses in all 7 wards are invited to comment: Blenheim Park, Chalkwell, Milton, Prittlewell, St Laurence, Victoria and Westborough

The process itself could be very beneficial with many good ideas put into practice way before the BID launches or not

Depending on where the most businesses respond the Business Improvement District could be centred around one of three possible areas:

Nelson Road - CHALKWELL - The Trading Room

Crowstone Road - WESTCLIFF VILLAGE - Argyll Road

Ceylon Road - HAMLET COURT ROAD - Park Street

-or better still all three!

Don't let this opportunity slip through your hands!

NB After this round we will upload a map showing a potential BID area

14 August 

Also, send a few ideas of what you'd like to see in Westcliff.

We know that anti-social behaviour, flytipping etc is at the top of everyones wish list!

So, some more creative, uplifting, solution-based suggestions would be good eg one business suggested a Westcliff Food Festival.


Several businesses have already registered their place and we are keen to have other people attend who care about Westcliff including residents, landlords, councillors, community groups, safety officers, Neighbourhood Watch etc

More information on Business Improvement Districts:

Membership of Westcliff Partnership available here from £10:

2020 © HamletCourtRoadShops proudly created with

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